Power Automate Examples

String to Float

This power flow will convert a variable held as a string to a number. Using Float rather than Integer allows you to convert either whole numbers or decimals numbers stored as a string.

Power Automate String To Float

Prep - Initialise Variable

This step is only needed for the demonstration. This is just so we can start with a number stored as a string.

Grabbing your data

Add a "Compose" action and name it "Compose - Grabbing data" and input the "Dynamic content" that you want to use. The data you grab may come from a form or list etc but in this example we're grabbing it from the variable we initiatised as a string above.

Convert your data

Now it's time to convert that string to a float (decimal number).

Add another "Compose" action and name it whatever you like. Input the following "Expression" float(outputs('Compose_-_Grabbing_data'))

Power Automate String as a Float

End result:



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